sábado, 2 de febrero de 2008

Carry home

Carry home. Mark Lanegan

Come down to the willow garden with me
Come go with me
Come go and see

Although I've howled across fields and my eyes turned grey
Are yours still the same
Are you still the same

Carry home
I have returned
Through so many highways
And so many tears
Your letter never survived the heat of my hand
My burning hand
My sweating hand
Your love never survived the heat of my heart
My violent heart
In the dark

Carry home
I have returned
Through so many highways
And so many tears

Come down to the willow garden with me
Come go with me
Come go and see

Although I've howled across fields and my eyes turned grey
Are yours still the same
Are you still the same

1 comentario:

GdP dijo...

Lanegan está en otra dimensión.